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Giuseppe Rossi bofh68 a
Sab 2 Maggio 2009 09:38:06 UTC
> 2009/5/1 lele bonna <bonna1979 a
> Ora sono alle prese con un acer aspire one netbook che mi da noie
> con il modem 3g integrato :(
> a presto Emanuele

Ciao Lele,
prova a vedere se quanto sotto riportato puoi esserti d'aiuto:

"It looks like the device is presenting a single usb interface. Now with GSM
USB type items, that usually means that it's still in USB storage mode. You
could try seeing if it created a /dev/sr0 or /dev/scd0 and ejecting it.
After that try doing lsusb -v -dXXXX:YYYY where XXXX and YYYY are the device
vendor and product ids. Bear in mind that flipping the device from storage
to modem mode may change the device ids. Once you have it in modem mode you
might then try to load the usbserial driver with the correct vendor and
product ids. e.g.
rmmod usbserial
insmod usbserial vendor=0xXXXX product=0xYYYY"

Il post l'ho trovato a questo indirizzo:

Prova a vedere se trovi qualcosa.
Ciao, GR
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