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server debian crakkati - una spiegazione - [SECURITY] userland can access Linux kernel memory

Maurizio Paolini paolini a
Mar 2 Dic 2003 18:26:51 UTC
> From: marco ghidinelli <marcogh a>
> Recently multiple servers of the Debian project were compromised using a
> Debian developers account and an unknown root exploit. Forensics
> revealed a burneye encrypted exploit. Robert van der Meulen managed to
> decrypt the binary which revealed a kernel exploit. Study of the exploit
> by the RedHat and SuSE kernel and security teams quickly revealed that
> the exploit used an integer overflow in the brk system call. Using
> this bug it is possible for a userland program to trick the kernel into
> giving access to the full kernel address space. This problem was found
> in September by Andrew Morton, but unfortunately that was too late for
> the 2.4.22 kernel release.
> This bug has been fixed in kernel version 2.4.23 for the 2.4 tree and
> 2.6.0-test6 kernel tree. For Debian it has been fixed in version
> 2.4.18-12 of the kernel source packages, version 2.4.18-14 of the i386
> kernel images and version 2.4.18-11 of the alpha kernel images.

Interessante... in questo caso siamo in presenza di una azione investigativa
ad ampio spettro, che ha portato alla fine all'individuazione del baco
sfruttato dal cracker.  Notare comunque che si tratta di una "priviledge
escalation", dove dapprima il pirata penetra nel sistema come utente normale
(probabilmente ottenendo la password con i mezzi piu' vari); a quel punto
le vulnerabilita' del sistema aumentano automaticamente: tutti i servizi
del sistema sono utilizzabili, non solo quelli di rete non filtrati dal


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