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x fa schifo, gnome fa schifo...

marco ghidinelli marcogh a
Lun 7 Ott 2002 15:35:46 UTC

6. RandR is coming

Jim Gettys doesn't only work on getting GNOME some nice fonts, he mailed
the GNOME-hackers list this week to say that he and Keith Packard had
checked in RandR into the main XFree tree. RandR is an extension to X which
will allow dynamic resize, rotate and reflect. This will for instance solve
the issue of having to define tons of resolutions of your X server manually
in order to be able to change resolution. Keith and Owen Taylor is already
working on adding the needed support in GTK+ and GNOME Control Center
maintainer Jody Goldberg responded saying he would take on the task of
eventually adding a RandR GUI configuration tool to the GNOME Control
Center package. Links below to Keith's RandR paper and Jim's announcement.


l'estensione xRandR (Resize and rotate - ridimensiona e ruota ) e' stata 
inserita nel tree principale di Xfree.

Keith and Owen Taylor stanno gia' lavorando x aggiungere il supporto a(lle
applicazioni basate su) gtk. 

jody goldberg, il responsabile del 'pannello di controllo gnome'dice che si
prende carico dell'aggiungere un tool di configurazione di RandR.

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