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Rete vmware

Francesco francescotonolli a
Ven 17 Maggio 2002 18:19:01 UTC
Grazie mille, rispondo subito alle tue domande:
> Siamo sicuri che samba sia in funzione? prova a dare questo comando:
> ps ax | grep smbd
> ti deve ritornare qualcosa tipo:
>   635 ?        S      0:00 /usr/sbin/smbd -D
>  1153 pts/2    S      0:00 grep smbd

Mi da:
1425 ?    S    0:00    /usr/bin/vmware-smbd -D -l  /dev/null -s   

> e poi posta pure (occhio: non attach, il sistema di posta se li mangia!) il
> file di configurazione di samba
> in debian è /etc/samba/smb.conf
> in redhat, suppongo, /etc/smb.conf

Il mio smb.conf è (è in /etc/vmware/vmnet1/smb:
; Configuration file for Samba 2.0.6 vmware-[sn]mbd operating on vmnet1.
; This file was automatically generated by the VMware configuration program.
; If you modify it, it will be backed up the next time you run the
; configuration program.

; Global settings
; Identity

; Allow several Samba servers on different subnet without conflicts
   socket address =
   interfaces =
   bind interfaces only = yes

; Workgroup the host belongs to
  workgroup = WORKGROUP

; SMB name of the host (the hostname by default)
;  netbios name =

; Description of the host
  server string = VMware host

; Access

;  Allow connections from
;   Beware: if we use this directive, smbd will try to do a reverse resolution
;   of the guest IP. If the host is disconnected from the network and uses
;   named, that reverse resolution will take a long time, and the smb client
;   (the guest) will give up waiting for a smb reply before the reverse
;   resolution timeout occurs :(
;   Because it doesn't add any real security, we don't use this --hpreg
;  hosts allow =

;  Authentication scheme
  security = user
  encrypt passwords = yes

; Options

; Automatically load the printer list (from /etc/printcap by default)
  load printers = yes

; Gives better performance
  socket options = TCP_NODELAY

; VMware extension to use a different shared memory access key on each
; Samba server running on this host
  sysv shm key = /dev/vmnet1

; Files and directories

;  Debug log for _both_ daemons
;  log file = /etc/vmware/vmnet1/smb/var/log.smb
;  log level = 1
;   Max log size in KB
;  max log size = 50

;  Locks
  lock directory = /etc/vmware/vmnet1/smb/var/locks

;  SMB passwords
  smb passwd file = /etc/vmware/vmnet1/smb/private/smbpasswd

;  VMware extension to use codepages in a different directory
  codepage dir = /usr/lib/vmware/smb/codepages

; Name browsing

; Allow the host to participate in master browser elections
  local master = yes

; Force a local browser election upon startup
; We need that otherwise it takes a long time before the windows network is
; browsable
  preferred master = yes

; Do not try to resolve SMB names via DNS
  dns proxy = no

; Shared resources

; Home directories
  comment = Home directories
  browseable = no
  writable = yes

; Printers
  comment = All printers
  path = /var/lpd
  browseable = no
  guest ok = no
  writable = no
  printable = yes

  comment = VMware host filesystem
  path = /
  public = no
  writeable = yes
  printable = no

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