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Luca Giuzzi giuzzi a
Mer 20 Giu 2001 12:43:41 UTC
>   --  [Compaq]  Indicates that all arguments following it are to be treated
>       as file names.  This allows you to specify file names starting with a -
>       (dash).
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Dove notasi un [Compaq] tra parentesi quadre (!)
Bello..... per completezza cito dalla info page delle fileutils gnu:

   One common question is how to remove files whose names begin with a
`-'.  GNU `rm', like every program that uses the `getopt' function to
parse its arguments, lets you use the `--' option to indicate that all
following arguments are non-options.  To remove a file called `-f' in
the current directory, you could type either:

     rm -- -f


     rm ./-f

   The Unix `rm' program's use of a single `-' for this purpose
predates the development of the getopt standard syntax.

D'altro canto esistono anche comandi la cui sintassi NON e' standard affatto
 e non ha nessuna intenzione di diventarlo... ad esempio dd...



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