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MaX in the Fax max a
Lun 21 Feb 2000 02:31:35 UTC
Ciao GianKa che non si stanka!!!

Un problema simile mi era capitato anche a me con RH 6.1... infatti uso la
6.0 credo di tratti del modulo "char-major-108" che non ti permette di
portare su la connessione in quanto non riesce ad inviare i dati del login.

Mi piacerebbe sapere come hai fatto a risolvere.
Io spartanemente avevo fatto così:
installato la 6.0 e configurata.
aggiornato con la 6.1..... tutto OK.


>Ciao a tutti
>sono nei guai...da quando ho installato le schede di rete ed ho connesso i
>due pc non riesco piu' a lanciare la connessione alla rete, ecco che dice
>messaggio d'errore
>Feb 17 19:14:00 localhost pppd[779]: pppd 2.3.10 started by root, uid 0
>Feb 17 19:14:00 localhost pppd[779]: Using interface ppp0
>Feb 17 19:14:00 localhost pppd[779]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS0
>Feb 17 19:14:04 localhost pppd[779]: local  IP address
>Feb 17 19:14:04 localhost pppd[779]: remote IP address
>Feb 17 19:14:04 localhost pppd[779]: IPCP terminated by peer
>Feb 17 19:14:04 localhost pppd[779]: Unsupported protocol (0xc029) received
>Feb 17 19:14:05 localhost pppd[779]: LCP terminated by peer
>Feb 17 19:14:08 localhost pppd[779]: Connection terminated.
>Feb 17 19:14:08 localhost pppd[779]: Connect time 0.1 minutes.
>Feb 17 19:14:08 localhost pppd[779]: Sent 339 bytes, received 340 bytes.
>Feb 17 19:14:08 localhost pppd[779]: Exit.
>e invece il tail -f /var/log/messages:
>Feb 17 19:30:00 localhost kernel: PPP: ppp line discipline successfully
>Feb 17 19:34:43 localhost gpm[525]: Error in protocol
>Feb 17 20:38:40 localhost modprobe: can't locate module char-major-108
>Feb 17 20:38:40 localhost kernel: CSLIP: code copyright 1989 Regents of the
>University of California
>Feb 17 20:38:40 localhost kernel: PPP: version 2.3.7 (demand dialling)
>Feb 17 20:38:40 localhost kernel: PPP line discipline registered.
>Feb 17 20:38:40 localhost kernel: registered device ppp0
>Feb 17 20:38:40 localhost pppd[1029]: pppd 2.3.10 started by root, uid 0
>Feb 17 20:38:41 localhost chat[1030]: send (ATDT0309389901^M)
>io sono sicuro di non aver modificato alcunche' file riguardante la

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