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Maurizio Cimaschi mcc a
Dom 30 Maggio 1999 21:10:46 UTC
	ho beccato questa cosina e ve la passo, il tipo diceva
di metterla in /etc/issue (quello che la macchina vi dice prima di
chiedervi il login); occhio che su RH bisogna metterlo in un file
chimato issue.master e modificare in questo modo il file

    # This will overwrite /etc/issue at every boot.  So, make any changes you
    # want to make to /etc/issue here or you will lose them when you reboot.
    #echo "" > /etc/issue
    cat /etc/issue.master > /etc/issue
    echo "$R" >> /etc/issue
    echo "Kernel $(uname -r) on $a $(uname -m)" >> /etc/issue

al prossimo riavvio la cosuccia avra' effetto, lo so' fa' tanto

-- Begin cut here --
      .JM6                  ,HH'
      4MMM                 `*'
      |MMM                                                            .
      |MMM:                                           ,_           .,&'
      :MMM:                  ,.        ?H+    ,b.   ,JHM:     _   ,HH
       MMM:                ,dMM`  .JH,HMM6   1MMb   1MMM6   ,HMb.|MM-
       MMM:                4MMM: :HMM1MMMM. `9MMM. iMMMMM. |HMMMMMM'
       MMM:                |MMM: :MMMMMMMMM: |MMH| |MMMMM} ``*MMMM6.
       MMM:                :MMM: `9MMMM*MMM6.:MMMM:JMH4MMM.   `MMMMMb.
       MMM                 :MMM:  |MMM?`9MMM6 |MMMMM&-|MMMb   ?MHMMMMMH-
      ,MMM     _,,bHHHMMMH-:MMH-  :MM#  `*MH'  *MMM'  `9MH'  ?HH `|*MH
      |MMMoo#HHMMM##+***'  :H"    `""    ``     `'     `"  `,MH'
      |MMMMH#"'" `   `                                      +'
-- End cut here --

		Saluti, Maurizio.
If a nation expects to be ignorant and free,
... it expects what never was and never will be.
		-- Thomas Jefferson

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