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[LugBS] analisi scrittura in cartella

marco ghidinelli marcogh a
Ven 2 Ott 2009 12:32:51 UTC
On Fri, Oct 02, 2009 at 01:44:16PM +0200, nelson - wrote:
> salve,
>   esiste un demone che mi permetta di eseguire un comando quando un
> file in una cartella viene create, cancellato o modificato?

$ apt-cache search inotify
gamin - File and directory monitoring system
incron - cron-like daemon which handles filesystem events
inosync - notification-based directory synchronization daemon
inotail - tail replacement using inotify
inoticoming - trigger actions when files hit an incoming directory
inotify-tools - command-line programs providing a simple interface to inotify
iwatch - realtime filesystem monitoring program using inotify
kdelibs4c2a - core libraries and binaries for all KDE applications
libev-dev - static library, header files, and docs for libev
libev-libevent-dev - libevent event loop compatibility wrapper for libev
libev3 - high-performance event loop library modelled after libevent
libinotify-ocaml - OCaml bindings for the inotify API
libinotify-ocaml-dev - OCaml bindings for the inotify API
libinotify-ruby - Ruby interface to Linux's inotify system (dependency package)
libinotify-ruby1.8 - Ruby interface to Linux's inotify system (ruby 1.8)
libinotify-ruby1.9 - Ruby interface to Linux's inotify system (ruby 1.9)
libinotifytools0 - utility wrapper around inotify
libinotifytools0-dev - Development library and header files for libinotifytools0
liblinux-inotify2-perl - scalable directory/file change notification
muine-plugin-inotify - INotify Plugin for the Muine music player
nitrogen - wallpaper browser and changing utility for X
python-inotifyx - simple Python binding to the Linux inotify
python-kaa-base - Base Kaa Framework for all Kaa Modules
python-pyinotify - simple Linux inotify Python bindings
python-pyinotify-doc - simple Linux inotify Python bindings -- documentation

Maggiori informazioni sulla lista Lug