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OT: sourceforge

Sergio Visinoni svisinoni a
Ven 17 Gen 2003 00:15:29 UTC
* Luca Giuzzi (giuzzi a wrote:
> Ciao a tutti...
>  qualcuno ha idea di cosa sia successo al cvs di sourceforge
>  [non riguarda direttamente linux, per cui l'OT ma riguarda 
>  molte applicazioni GPL che sono usate sotto linux] ?

Giusto poco fa un conoschente mi ha detto che collegandosi agli
"shell server" di sourceforge si becca il seguente messaggio:

Important CVS services notices:
As of 2003-01-14, 'cvs' will no longer be available on the project web
servers.  Please perform any needed CVS operations from the project
shell servers (i.e. either interactively or via cron job) rather than
via CGI script or PHP script.
All access to the project CVS servers from the project shell server must
occur as we have documented. The correct hostname to use in connecting to
the CVS servers from the shell servers is 'cvs1', not ''
nor '' nor ''. Please
update any scripts or cron jobs as needed. As stated in the past, we
encourage projects to use anonymous pserver authentication when accessing
the CVS servers from the shell servers.

Un motivo in piu` per usare savannah...


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