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Bauno bauno a
Mer 18 Set 2002 12:26:19 UTC
andrea gelmini wrote:
> come vi dicevo ci sarebbe voluto ancora un mucchio di tempo prima
> dell'integrazione di xfs...

Per chi non avesse ben chiaro che cosa รจ successo:

Linus has just merged the XFS filesystem into his BitKeeper tree; it 
will thus show up in the 2.5.36 kernel. XFS is a high-performance, 
journaling filesystem from SGI; it now becomes the fourth journaling 
filesystem (alongside ext3, ReiserFS, and JFS) supported by the Linux 

Bauno - Eurydices, oro, properata retexite fata!
"A cynic is a man who, when he smells flowers, looks around for a coffin."
- H. L. Mencken

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