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RE: ... ma cos'è 'sta roba?!??!??

claudmac a claudmac a
Mer 24 Lug 2002 10:07:08 UTC
penso le news più importante del sito sia questa:  ;-)

Microsoft Monkey Colony on Mars
Microsoft has announced that a team of monkeys will be shot into space in
2005 to establish the first Martian Colony. At a recent press conference,
Bill Gates confirmed, "We are already training the monkeys to do simple
tasks like reboot the space ship when it blue screens. The space vehicle
will be running our newest product, SpacePod 2004. This product will instruct
the monkeys how to colonize Mars and establish trade with the Martians.
We intend to monopolize this market before Human travel to Mars is possible."

cmq penso che l'idea farebbe inorridire molti..

>-- Messaggio Originale --
>Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2002 10:25:17 +0200
>Subject: ... ma cos'è 'sta roba?!??!??
>From: "ada.marco a" <ada.marco a>
>To: lug a
>Reply-To: "ada.marco a" <ada.marco a>,
>        lug a

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