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Satan 1.1.1

El Kondor condorlnx a
Dom 18 Ago 2002 10:29:24 UTC
premetto perl รจ installato se esegui un perl --help vive!
ma se cerco di installare satan con il suo script mi muore dicedo che 
non trova perl come mai?

[root a localhost satan-1.1.1]# ls
bin      file.paths  Makefile  README        repent  satan.8    src
Changes  html        perl      README-FIRST  rules  TODO
config   include     perllib   reconfig      satan

lancio  prima di make

[root a localhost satan-1.1.1]# ./reconfig
checking to make sure all the target(s) are here...
Ok, trying to find perl5 now... hang on a bit...

Can't find perl5!  Bailing out...
[root a localhost satan-1.1.1]#

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*** -   // /   /  /'    '\   \  \ \\
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*** -         ====UU====UU====
*** -              //||\\               El Kondor

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